Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Have u seen street dogs…they way they run across your street…never is it a lazy gait…it is a walk of confidence…they always move like they have an aim…a very great aim…which is ultimately something as trivial as peeing on the wheel of a vehicle…

Well I guess that’s a great lesson………however stupid your goal is walk, act like you have an aim in life…if you don’t know what u really want from life at least behave like u know that u do!


Suhas said...

Hahaha.. (This one cracks me up even at 5 in the morning)

Well.. Do u actually think I work in office..

Its the dog theory, ..Look busy, act busy and Wolah.. its 6 pm....

SOO-BEER said...

Btw ever noticed that all the dogs in the world come to Parle (East) late at night !!! God knows why ! And then they chase ur car/scooter !

We used to see thousands of them whenever we used to go back from Barave's house/airport to back home late at night !